Saturday, April 30, 2011

With hope the morning sickness will be leaving soon.

With hope the morning sickness will be leaving soon and I can get on with my projects that need to be finished.
Here is all that needs to get done/ sewn
  1. Clean House
  2. Make a few skirts to take me through the end of the year
  3. Make cloth grocery bags ( I am not paying .05 cents for paper that rips)
  4. Make cloth diapers for baby
  5. Make Emma and Kyra's Birthday gifts. ( Dress Pattern is Simplicity 4764) 
  6. Make Christmas Tree Skirt and 4 stockings for our house
  7. Make Christmas gifts for our family
  8. Make baby stuff we will need
  9. Down size... Big time!!!
  10. Potty Train Andrew
  11. Get Andrew in the toddler bed
  12. Make curtains for dinning room, and the Andrew's room (I am close to being done with the valance for Andrew's room)
It seems like its not so much but some of these take several steps.I hate that I just don't have the get up and go to get them started just yet. but what can you do? noting but eat ginger and crackers and hope that soon I will be happily sewing soon. That's all I have for now, but I hope to fell better after my nap and might get the curtains done today. If so I'll post and update and some pictures of them.