So my last post was April 30th 2011, and let me tell you there has been a lot that has changed since then. First off I was pregnant at the time and going through the most horrible morning sickness you could imagine, and keeping up with a small boy. Secondly my family was in the mist of loosing the glue that held our family together. May of 2011 was hard, because I was worried I'd loose the baby after a bleeding scare, and my grandmother became very ill for the last time. May and June was a warp wind of what's going to happen and by the time June was over and we knew baby was safe we had lost my grandmother. I am not going to lie I do feel like I went through a bit of depression that summer. I ended up quitting work all together in November, and on December 9th we welcomed our second son Patrick. Blogging was the last thing on my mind while we fought to breastfeed, and was up all night. When Patrick we six months and this started to get better we started talking about the prospect of trying for another baby. I just felt our family wasn't complete yet. In October 2012 we decided to try again and were excited to find out that we were expecting by November 2012. Our Joy was cut short as that pregnancy ended in miscarriage. I was crushed and even more devastated when Kevin said he wasn't sure he wanted to try again after all. So my dreams of a third child (possibly a girl) were dashed. As the new year started I was watching my niece and really feeling like three wouldn't be that hard before we could talk about it again Valentines day came round and brought a special gift... I was pregnant again. Without trying we had conceived a baby that I wasn't sure my husband would be happy about. I told him that night, and while he wasn't thrilled. He knew there was nothing to do about it now, but start preparing for this new child we would be welcoming in October 2013 (my edd was my grandmothers birthday) We did things a bit different with the baby and prenatal care, Since my husband was in the mist of a job change we ended up going with a midwife and she was amazing, and if we were going to have another I'd go with her again. In June we went for an ultrasound to make sure everything was okay and Kevin wanted to know the sex of the baby. On June 21st, 2013 we found out we were expecting our baby girl. From that point on Kevin was a bit more relaxed about the whole thing, but he was concerned about how delivery was going to go. I was planning an all natural birth at home. (after 2 inductions, and epidural births) He kinda wasn't sure that I would be able to go naturally with out pain medication because of my previous births. I was adamant that I wasn't going to the hospital unless it was necessary for my life or our daughters life. On October 31st (Yes Halloween!) at 2:31am I gave birth to our daughter, Kaitlyn, at home in a birth pool in our dinning room.
Fast forward to today... As I sit here typing Patrick(2)and Kaitlyn(6months)are napping, and Andrew(5)is playing Legos. Things are finally settled down a bit and hope they will stay from here on. We are planning no more children, Kevin is working for himself, and I am loving being a stay at home mom to three. With the new found peace in our lives I plan to get back in to blogging, Vlogging, and trying to be the best mother I can be. Check back later as I have big plans for this blog, and YouTube.
Love~ SewEcoMommy
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